perjantai 15. lokakuuta 2010

Tour de Room

I moved to my new place 1,5 months ago, but didn't want to blog about it until now. Don't know why. I live in a huge apartment now with two awesome girls, but the common areas are not ready so I only post pictures from my own room now. Compared to my previous bedroom, now I have my old table back and my mom's old glass-steel-shelf, which is now my bookshelf and a "make-up-station". I also have some new 2nd hand findings, like a blue square glass vase and an old tin can, typical stuff that sometimes travels home with me from the 2nd hand market :)

The only NEW stuff in my room is mainly my bedside-table-combo (IKEA TV-shelf a.k.a. bedside table, lamp and an Iittala's Aalto steel vase, on which I keep my mini Philippi alarm clock (I've used it once) and sea shells that I collected from the coast of Spain and Internet auction. The lamp was such a bargain! It's from one luxury design chain Vepsäläinen, where stuff normally costs thousands or at least hundreds of euros, but my lamp was only around 60 euros! The Aalto steel vase was a graduation gift from my god parents and I absolutely love it for it's elegance and shine.

 I also bought one Aalto glass vase myself, because it was 50% off with some stickers you get from one grocerie chain :) I'm such a coupon lady. And a huge fan of Aalto in general (including Alvar Aalto, Aino Aalto and Artek).

Here's also a link to Iittala's webpages:

And last is the view from my window. I just love the colors of autumn and the fact that I can live in Helsinki like this, "forest" behind my building. Five minutes after I took this picture there was a horrible hail storm and I watched people running through the forest like crazy with their jackets on their heads so the hail woudn't hurt their heads so hard... Yeah, that's one thing I don't like about autumn. But I love to stay inside in my warm room and curl up in my perfect bed reading piles of books.

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