torstai 28. lokakuuta 2010

Moominhouse mouse pad

One of my favourite things I've bought this whole year is this mouse pad. I don't even have a mouse, but I had to have this when I saw it in the store. I was just moving into my new apartment and I thought that I'd also buy a mouse. And I will. Some day. Maybe. I don't even have to hurry, because of this mouse pad's awesomeness it doesn't look incomplete without the mouse at all. If anyone is interested, you can find these from Tiimari.

tiistai 26. lokakuuta 2010

United Buddy Bears

This is gonna be one of these "I <3 Helsinki" -posts, because I just can't help myself but loving this city so much. This fall until today there were a lot of bears here. It's an exhibition that started in Berlin in 2002 and now tours around the world. Now all the UN countries present a life-sized fiberglass bear painted by an artist from each counry. The Buddy Bears hold hands symbolically for peace, international understanding and tolerance among the nations, cultures and religions of this world. Cute and heart warming! My absolute favourites are the sunny Albanian bear and the psychedelic Dutch bear.

Oh, and this same day when I saw these bears the first time, we met one Greek/New Zealander/(??!?!) guy via CouchSurfing with my friend Agi. Couch Surfing is such a splendid concept, but I've never really used it myself. But this guy was really fun, we just went to drink hot chocolate and walked around the city until he continued his loooong trip around the world the same evening. Plus we made him buy a lot of candy and ended up eating almost all of them ourselves :)

I was also in some crazy 80's/50's/Mario Bros (???!?!) party in Hungary to where my CouchSurfer friend got invited by some CouchSurfer. Just like Buddy Bears, CouchSurfing unites nations and their people around the world :)

maanantai 25. lokakuuta 2010

Fathers's Day Card

Last Saturday I went to my favourite 2nd hand market again (like almost every weekend) and found a bagful of Hama-beads and those "bases" for 50 cents. I'm totally copying my best friend, because she went crazy about Hama-beads a couple of months ago and I wanted to try too :) She has some inexplicable charisma that makes other people want to do the same stuff that she does and want the same things as she has. So, I made a Father's day card from those beads. I hope my dad doesn't read my blog, at least before his big day, because here's a picture of my creation:

perjantai 15. lokakuuta 2010

Tour de Room

I moved to my new place 1,5 months ago, but didn't want to blog about it until now. Don't know why. I live in a huge apartment now with two awesome girls, but the common areas are not ready so I only post pictures from my own room now. Compared to my previous bedroom, now I have my old table back and my mom's old glass-steel-shelf, which is now my bookshelf and a "make-up-station". I also have some new 2nd hand findings, like a blue square glass vase and an old tin can, typical stuff that sometimes travels home with me from the 2nd hand market :)

The only NEW stuff in my room is mainly my bedside-table-combo (IKEA TV-shelf a.k.a. bedside table, lamp and an Iittala's Aalto steel vase, on which I keep my mini Philippi alarm clock (I've used it once) and sea shells that I collected from the coast of Spain and Internet auction. The lamp was such a bargain! It's from one luxury design chain Vepsäläinen, where stuff normally costs thousands or at least hundreds of euros, but my lamp was only around 60 euros! The Aalto steel vase was a graduation gift from my god parents and I absolutely love it for it's elegance and shine.

 I also bought one Aalto glass vase myself, because it was 50% off with some stickers you get from one grocerie chain :) I'm such a coupon lady. And a huge fan of Aalto in general (including Alvar Aalto, Aino Aalto and Artek).

Here's also a link to Iittala's webpages:

And last is the view from my window. I just love the colors of autumn and the fact that I can live in Helsinki like this, "forest" behind my building. Five minutes after I took this picture there was a horrible hail storm and I watched people running through the forest like crazy with their jackets on their heads so the hail woudn't hurt their heads so hard... Yeah, that's one thing I don't like about autumn. But I love to stay inside in my warm room and curl up in my perfect bed reading piles of books.

maanantai 11. lokakuuta 2010

Halonhakkaajan puhelin on kii

 My favourite poem in the world happens to be Finnish. And it just has to be part of my blog, which is part of me. And some pictures that remind me of the atmosphere of this poem.

Heli Laaksonen - Halonhakkaajan puhelin on kii

Prinsessan päiv ei men ninko tahtois menevä.
Kruunu takerttu koko ajan pyykkinaruihi
eikä ripustamisest tul mittä.
Hän soitta kolmannen kerra, vaik tiätä, ete vastat.
Assia ei ol mut see on kiireellist.

Hän sanosis:
Eerikki, arva mitä,
mul ikkunalaural o linnu varppa jälje lumes,
mää olen löytän hianon tiä meil,
kun tarttis hiuka appu taas,
osasin peril, kehu munt,
sain klasist haava, tul puhaltama
lämmitin talo ja puus huus hullu pulu,
kuljin kaisliko läpitte ja ajattelin meit.

On päivi ko mää tahron sunt kokonas
ja päivi ko mää tahron sunt kaikkines päivines
ja muit päivi on kans, ettet peljästy.

Eerikki hei, arva mitä,
ei mittä
ja kaikki mitä ossan sanno.