tiistai 25. toukokuuta 2010

Alfons Mucha art exhibition

Last week I went to see Alfons Mucha's art exhibition with my czech friend Monika in Pécsi Galeria. Alfons Mucha was a czech art nouveau painter and designer. One of the reasons I love Pécs is because everything is so cheap here. For example the ticket to see this exhibition was less than 2 euros. Other reason why I love this city, is because it's one of the three European culture capitals this year:


There are so many interesting things going on all the time and I love to participate in them. Festivals, art exhibitions, concerts, opera, theatre...

The exhibition of Alfons Mucha was especially interesting. His works are basically posters, ads, paintings, calendars and zodiac maps from the late 1800's and early 1900's and they mainly present half naked women surrounded by flowers and ornaments.

This is my favourite piece, you can see all the four seasons here.

tiistai 4. toukokuuta 2010

Living in Boszorkány dormitory

Since last February I have lived in the Boszorkány kollegium, Pécs, Hungary, because of my lovely ERASMUS exchange. Today I thought I would post some pictures from here in to my blog because this is a very important place for me. Sometimes it's hard to sleep because the people are more like wild animals sometimes, but then the best thing is to join them :) Sleeping is totally overrated. The atmosphere is something totally different compared to Finland. People always say hi and goodbye in the elevator although maybe 800 students live here (I have absolutely no idea how many...a lot) and almost every night we have a BBQ-party or some other kind of party. On the other side of the floor is the Spanish ghetto, and on this side, where I live, there are people from all over the world. People don't really knock on the doors here, at least not in Spanish ghetto. That's so strange for me because in Finland I'm always used to plan any kind of visiting into someone else's place and of course you have to ring the doorbell, because no one in the city has open doors. But I really like this kind of living. At least for 5 months :) This small room is for two people, so there's a huge lack of privacy and not that much space in general...

Yesterday was the first time in a long long time when I really had time to clean up my room because I've been busy with my master's thesis. But last sunday I sent it to my university. It was about environmental sustainability as a part of company's brand strategy in the luxury interior design business. It was interesting, but of course I'm happy that it's over now. I had the best Finnish company as a case-company in my thesis, Artek, and I really became a fan of them during this year. But normally their products have difficult names, typically just a letter and numbers (for example the famous lamp A810). And I want to learn these codes. I always have to study something and I love memorizing lists. So yesterday I put this brochure on my wall so that it's easier for me to study them. Just for fun.

In our floor there are two kitchens. I was lucky to have a picture like this because normally this kitchen looks like a group of hysterical hungry hooligans just were there. Normally around 10-12pm there are ten people cooking at the same time all the time. But this picture was taken in the morning after cleaning. The cleaning ladies HATE us.

And this is one of our common rooms. The party room. Now there's only Murat studying.

Sometimes living here requires a lot of imagination. One reason is this: I have only one glass, one mug, one "plate", one spoon, one fork and one knife. And I still want to cook delicious stuff. Luckily there's always someone who can borrow stuff. Like my lovely slovakian roomie Katalin :)

Quite often my "cookings" are quite interesting, because I'm so lazy to go to the supermarket to buy food. This morning I only found one piece of wholemeal bread, margarin, sour cream, ketchup, sunflower seeds and chilli. (And of course a painkiller because last night I wanted to celebrate my finished marster's thesis...) But this sandwich was really good! I recommend! And with the best music, Chambao, it tastes ever better.